Ph.D. University of Florida
M.A. University of Illinois at Chicago
B.S. ,Grand Valley State University
A.A. Muskegon Community College
35. Melanie Sberna Hinojosa and Ramon Hinojosa. (2024). “Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mental Health Outcomes of Children.” Child Abuse & Neglect. Mar: 149: 106603. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106603. Impact Factor, 5.09 (Scopus).
34. Melanie Sberna Hinojosa, Ramon Hinojosa,* Josalie Condon, and *Sarah Da Silva. (2023). “Military Families and Adverse Childhood Experiences.” Published Online First April 6th, 2023. .
33. Melanie Sberna Hinojosa, Ramon Hinojosa, *Josalie Condon, and *Jacquelyn Fernandez-Reiss. (2021). “Child Mental Health Among Military and Non-Military Families.” Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. Published online first July 28, 2021. .
32. Ramon Hinojosa, Melanie Sberna Hinojosa, *Jacquelyn Fernandez-Reiss, *Justen Rosenberg, and Sabrina Habib. (2020). “Unconventional Oil and Natural Gas Production, Health and Social Perspectives on Fracking.” Environmental Justice 13(4): 127-143.
31. Barry Edwards, Ramon Hinojosa, and *Komysha Hassan. (2019). “How to Transform the Judicial System: Lessons from the Institutionalization of Veterans’ Treatment Courts.” New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy, 2019, Winter, Vol. 21., Issue 4.
30. Ramon Hinojosa, *Allison Williams, *Sarah Edkin, *Kyle Sellers, *Heba Elassar, and *Jenny Nguyen. (2019). “Research and Identity: How the process of doing is related to the process of becoming.” Sociological Spectrum, Posted online first, August 6th, 2019.
29. Melanie Hinojosa, Ramon Hinojosa, and *Jenny Nguyen. (2019). “Shared Decision-Making and Treatment for Minority Children with ADHD.” Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 1-9. Published Online First: doi: 10.1177/1043659619853021. Impact Factor: 1.278.
28. Ramon Hinojosa. (2019). “Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, Veteran Status and The Likelihood of Reporting Cardiovascular Conditions in the National Health Interview Survey”. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, May/June Vol. 34, Issue 3:215-221. doi: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000561. Impact Factor: 2.01.
27. Melanie Sberna Hinojosa, Ramon Hinojosa, Melissa Bright, *Jenny Nguyen. (2019). “Childhood Adversity and Educational Outcomes in a National Sample of US Children” Sociological Inquiry, Vol. 89, Issue 3:401-426. Impact Factor .735. Published online first March 3, 2019.
26. Ramon Hinojosa. 2019. “Veterans' Likelihood of Reporting Cardiovascular Disease.” J Am Board Fam Med, January-February 2019; 32:50-57; doi:10.3122/jabfm.2019.01.180148. Impact Factor: 1.955.
25. Ramon Hinojosa, *Jenny Nguyen, *Kyle Sellers, and *Heba Elassar. 2018. “Adverse Childhood Experiences and Barriers to Academic Success in College.” Journal of American College Health. Published online first, Oct. 11, 2018. Impact Factor: 1.656.
24. Hinojosa, Ramon. 2018. “Cardiovascular Disease Among United States Military Veterans: Evidence of a waning Healthy Soldier Effect using the National Health Interview Survey.” Chronic Illness. Published online first June 25, 2018. Impact Factor: 1.672
23. Hinojosa, Ramon, Melanie S. Hinojosa, and *Jenny Nguyen. 2017. “Military Service and Physical Capital: Framing Musculoskeletal Disorders among American Military Veterans using Pierre Bourdieu’s Theory of Cultural Capital.”Armed Forces & Society, 1-23. DOI:10.1177/0095327X17741888. Impact Factor: .548
22. Hinojosa, Melanie Sberna, Ramon Hinojosa, *Jenny Nguyen, Melissa Bright, and the *University of Central Florida Child Health Research Group. 2017. “Individualized Education Program Development Among Racially/Ethnically Diverse Children and Adolescents with Health Conditions.” Maternal and Child Health Journal, 21: 583-592: 10.1007/s10995-016-2142-6. Published Online First July 29th, 2016.
21. Hinojosa, Ramon and Melanie S. Hinojosa. 2016. “Activity-Limiting Musculoskeletal Conditions in US Veterans compared to Non-Veterans: Results from the 2013 National Health Interview Survey.” Public Library of Science (PLOS ONE), 11(12) December 22. Impact Factor=3.234
20. Habib, Sabrina and Ramon Hinojosa. 2015. “Doing Grounded Theory with Video-based Research.” Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research, 10:42-52. ISSN: 1935-3308
19. Hinojosa, Ramon, Melanie Sberna Hinojosa, Toni Chiara. 2014. “Rural Caregivers and Social Isolation: Some Properties and Dimensions” Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 29(2):24-47.
18. Knapp, Caprice, Melanie Sberna Hinojosa, *Daniel Fernandez-Baca, Ramon Hinojosa, and Lindsay Thompson. 2012. “Factors Associated with a Medical Home Among Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.” Maternal and Child Health Journal, 16(9):1771-8.
17. Hinojosa, Melanie Sberna, Ramon Hinojosa, *Daniel Fernandez-Baca, Caprice Knapp, and Lindsay Thompson. 2012. “Parental Strain, Parental Health, and Community Characteristics Among Children with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).” Academic Pediatrics, 12(6):502-508.
16. Hinojosa, Melanie Sberna, Ramon Hinojosa, *Daniel Fernandez-Baca, Caprice Knapp, Lindsay Thompson. 2012. “Racial and Ethnic Variation in ADHD, Comorbid Illnesses, and Parental Strain.” Journal for Health Care of the Poor and Underserved 23(1):273-289.
15. Hinojosa, Ramon, Melanie Sberna Hinojosa, and Robin Shirer Hognas. 2012. Problems with Veteran-Family Communication During Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Military Deployment. Military Medicine, 177(2): 191-197.
14. Hinojosa, Melanie S., Ramon Hinojosa, and Maude R. Rittman. 2012. “Predictors of Health Information Needs of US Mainland and Puerto Rican Stroke Survivors.” Sociological Spectrum, 32: 195-208.
13. Hinojosa, Ramon and Melanie Sberna Hinojosa. 2011. Using Military Friendships to Optimize Post-deployment Reintegration for male Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom veterans. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 48(10): 1145-1157.
12. Hinojosa, Ramon, Jolie Haun, Melanie S. Hinojosa, and Maude R. Rittman. 2011. "Social Isolation Post Stroke: Relationship Between Race/Ethnicity, Depression, and Functional Independence.” Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 18(1): 79-86.
11. Melanie Sberna Hinojosa, David Nelson, Ramon Hinojosa, *Angelica Delgado, *Bernadette Witzack, *Magdalisse Gonzalez, William Elliott, Jennifer Steiner, Maria Fontanez, and Rene Farias. 2011. Using Fotonovelas to Promote Healthy Eating in a Latino Community. American Journal of Public Health, 101(2):258-259.
10. Hinojosa, Ramon. “Pain, Physician-Patient Interaction, and Masculinity.” 2011. American Journal of Men’s Health, 5(2): 102-103.
9. Hinojosa, Ramon, Melanie S. Hinojosa, Karen Nelson, and David Nelson. 2010. “Veteran Family Reintegration and Primary Care Needs.” Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 23(6): 770-774.
8. Hinojosa, Ramon. 2010. “Doing Hegemony: Military, men, and constructing a hegemonic masculinity.” The Journal of Men’s Studies, 18(2):179-194.
7. Hinojosa, Melanie, Ramon Hinojosa, David Nelson, *Angelica Delgado Rendon, *Bernadette Witzack, *Magdalisse Gonzalez, Rene Farias, Linda Meurer, Syed Ahmed. 2010. “Salud de la Mujer: Using Fotonovelas to Increase Health Literacy Among Latinos.” Progress in Community Health Partnerships, 4(1): 25-30.
6. Hinojosa, Melanie S., Maude R. Rittman, Ramon Hinojosa, and William Rodriguez. 2009. "Racial/Ethnic Variation in Recovery from Stroke: The Role of Caregivers." Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 46(2): 223-232.
5. Hinojosa, Melanie S., Maude R. Rittman, and Ramon Hinojosa. 2009. "Informal Caregivers and Racial/Ethnic Variation in Health Services Use of Stroke Survivors.” Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 46(2): 233-242.
4. Hinojosa, Ramon, Craig Boylstein, Maude Rittman, Melanie A. Sberna, and Christopher A. Faircloth. 2008. “Constructions of Continuity After Stroke.” Symbolic Interaction 31(2).
3. Marsiglio, William and Ramon Hinojosa. 2007. Managing the multifather family: Stepfathers as father allies. Journal of Marriage and Family, 69: 845-862.
(Reprint) Marsiglio William and Ramon Hinojosa. 2009. Gérer la famille pluripaternelle : le beau-père comme allié du père (Managing multiple fathers in the family: Stepfathers and biological fathers as allies). Politiques sociales et familiales (Social and Family Policies), 96: 9-25.
2. Rittman, Maude, Craig Boylstein, Ramon Hinojosa, Melanie A. Sberna, and Jolie Haun. 2007. “Transition Experiences of Stroke Survivors Following Discharge Home.” Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation. 14 (2 )/Mar-Apr - Aftermath of Stroke: Care in the Home:21 - 31.
1. Boylstein, Craig, Maude Rittman, and Ramon Hinojosa. 2007. "Metaphor Shifts in Stroke Recovery." Health Communication 21 (3):279-28
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters (7)
7. Habib, Sabrina, Melanie Sberna Hinojosa, and Ramon Hinojosa. 2017. “Societal Implications of Hydraulic Fracturing/Unconventional Oil and Gas Development” Chapter 7, pages 167-192 in Advances in Chemical Pollution: Environmental Issues Concerning Hydraulic Fracturing/Unconventional Oil and Gas Development. Volume 1. Elsevier Inc. ISSN: 2468-9289.
6. Habib, Sabrina and Ramon Hinojosa. 2016. “Video-based Research, Grounded Theory, and Data Analysis Approaches.” Hanubuch Grounded Theory: Von der Methodologie zur Forschungspraxis” (Handbook of Grounded Theory: Methodology and Practice). In Claudia Equit & Christoph Hohage, (Eds). Weinhiem, Beltz Juventa. Pp. 441-461. ISBN: 978-3-7799-3296-3.
5. Marsiglio, William and Ramon Hinojosa. 2010. Stepfathers’ Lives: Exploring the Social Context and Interpersonal Complexity. The Role of the Father in Child Development. In Michael Lamb. Hoboken, Wiley: Pp. 270-295.
4. Rittman, Maude, Craig Boylstein, Ramon Hinojosa, Melanie S. Hinojosa, Jolie Haun. 2010. “Transition Experienecs of Stroke Survivors Following Discharge Home.” In Afaf Ibrahim Meleis (Ed.), Transitions Theory: Middle-Range and Situation-Specific Theories in Nursing Research and Practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
3. Marsiglio, William and Ramon Hinojosa. 2007. "Social and Psychological Influences on Male Reproductive Function." Pp. 129- 140 in Fouad R. Kandeel, Ronald Swerdloff, and Jon Pryor (Eds.), Male Reproductive Dysfunction: Pathophysiology and Treatment. New York, NY: Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
2. Hinojosa, Ramon, Melanie A. Sberna and William Marsiglio. 2006. "Adoptive Fatherhood: Gender, Identity, and Sociocultural Considerations." Pp. 111-128 in Katarina Wegar (Ed.), Adoptive Families in a Diverse Society. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
1. Marsiglio, William and Ramon Hinojosa. 2006. "Stepfathers and the Family Dance." Pp. 178-196 in Jaber F. Gubrium and James A. Holstein (Eds.), Couples, Kids, and Family Life: Social Worlds from the Inside Out. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Journal Article of the Year Award, 2023-2024, Department of Sociology, University of Central Florida. Recognition of outstanding research publication and contribution to Sociological literature on child abuse.
Creative Impact Award, 2022-2023, Department of Sociology, University of Central Florida. Recognition of creative and innovative approaches to teaching Sociology.
Career Development Award-Level II, 2012-2013. Rehabilitation Research & Development, Department of Veterans Affairs.
Research Development Program, 2009-2010. Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.
Faculty Excellence Award, 2008-2009, National Residence Hall Honorary, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.
Faculty STAR Award, 2008-2009, National Residence Hall Honorary, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.
National Science Foundation Doctoral Fellowship, Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences. University of Florida. 2006.
Loren Frankel Scholarship Award. Young Scholar, 2006.
Graduate Teaching Assistant of the Year, University of Florida. 2004-05.
J.S. Vandiver Award for Sociology Teaching Assistant of the Year, Department of Sociology,
University of Florida. 2004-05.
11/23 Quoted in Inside Higher Ed for news. “Florida Looks to Remove Sociology From Gen. Ed. by Johanna Alonso. Published November 17th, 2023.
11/22 Interviewed by Stephanie Ochoa for COS News “Sociology Podcasts Further Scholarship, Teach Skills”. Published November 13, 2022.
22-23 Producer, Writer, and Host of the Uniquely UCF Sociology Podcast. 22 Episodes, starting August 1st, 2022.
4/19 Interviewed by Lance Frazer for the American Legion Magazine, a nationally-distributed periodical, about Veterans Cardiovascular and Musculoskeletal health and the implications for the future of healthcare for Veterans in and outside of the Veterans Health System.
3/19 Quoted in US News and World Report online story “Heart Disease a Growing Threat to U.S. Veterans” by Robert Preidt about Veterans’ cardiovascular health and the eroding Healthy Soldier Effect. US News and World Report, March 25th, 2019.
3/19 Quoted in UPI story about Veterans’ Health. “Modern warfare may increase heart disease for U.S. Veterans. . UPI, March 25, 2019.
3/19 Expert guest on Infotrak talk radio, a nationally syndicated radio show. Interviewed by Randy Meyer about my Veterans’ CVD research. Infotrak is a weekly public affairs show which is broadcast on more than 750 radio stations across the US, including Chicago, San Francisco, Houston, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas, etc. Aired March 31, 2019. Show # 2019-13.
11/18 Interviewed by Jeff Schogol, Pentagon reporter for Task & Purpose (a military-centric news website) for a news story about the military and masculinity, specifically regarding several recent incidents involving discipline for American military personnel for the use of phallic imagery.
11/18 Expert guest on the nationally syndicated SiriusXM radio show Doctor Radio: Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine Show hosted by Dr. Ira Breite to discuss my research on veterans’ health, veterans reintegration issues, and more generally the challenges faced by veterans and family members living in the civilian (non-military) community. This was a live talk radio show that aired on November 12, 2018 for Veterans Day.
11/17 Interviewed for a Mel Magazine article on masculinities, lawn care, and social status in a piece titled “The Lawn in the Ultimate Male Status Symbol” by John McDermott, November 8th, 2017.
10/16 Interviewed for Mel Magazine story about fatherhood and Halloween. “Halloween is the Ultimate Dad Holiday” by John McDermott, October 31, 2016.
2/06 Guest Expert on "Eye on Entertainment" WRUF 850 AM, with Brynn Harbert. Special on gender and interpersonal communication, with a focus on men, masculinities, and love. This was a live talk radio show that aired February 14, 2006 for Valentine’s Day.
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